Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Sister Russia:

To Sister Russia:

Praise to you!! You have broken thru the fear and repression of the state with your protests. Please stay the course. Already you have surpassed the democracies of the west in the numbers you have turned out for protests, against the injustices of you electoral system. Tens of thousands, estimates of 20-50,000 are amazing. If that were to happen in America, I feel the security forces would be vying with the media for control of the situation.

Although the US has promulgated a vision of democracy, free and fair for the people, we have not walked the walk which we have talked. Now, the entire world is perched on the knife edge of what was the end of the cold war, except the ideological lines have been erased. The hard lines of political control have remained in place.

In 1984, the world hinged on allegiances. Regarless of the liability of those allegiances, regardless of the implications of those allegiances to world peace or world destruction, however you saw it, these were not valid considerations. It was US VS THEM. It didn’t matter if the conflict was in Vietnam, Latin America, or whatever, the conflict was US VS THEM. The U.S. vs the Soviet Union was the epicenter of the conflict.

As was hypothesized, the end of the cold war, the end of a bipolar political world and bipolar tension in world politics, we have descended into a realization of non-nation states waging war on the remnants of the “super powers”. What this boils down to is anybody with a gun striking out against the state, whatever “the state” means. What that means is an infinite number of combatants vs. a finite number of state factors.

Basically, a nation is used to battling another nation. Front lines vie for advancement a la WWII. We still have not moved passed that paradigm. Now, standard battle protocol means roadside bombs, suicide bombers, and in the case of areas like the middle east/NAME countries, gov’t snipers.

In other words, if you are in a loosely defined “war zone”, you are a target. At present, large cities in Syria are facing massacres only seen under the father of the current ruler, the previous President Assad, who slaughtered 30,000 in one fell swoop, as his son is posed to do now, in Homs.

Back to you in Mother Russia -
Your leaders are not beyond unleashing military might against you. You are a threat. Although we in the OWS movement realize we are a threat to the establishment in the US, we believe, maybe idealistically, that we have the freedom to carry the message to the streets. Whether or not you have that freedom, I pray you have the courage.

I don’t know how many times it has been said, but I believe it is an inalienable human right to have freedom of speech and assembly.

The lens of the world is upon you---The result is not whether you succeed or fail in your pursuits, but your relentless fight for putting your voice out for the people. Your country has been one of the most oppressed, one of the most bled by the powers that be, in the past 100 years, it is time not only to speak up but to succeed.


Enough of that, the sentiment is expressed. Let’s hold hands, sing kumbayah or whatever needs to be sung, and change the world.

1 comment:

Cannon said...

While I believe we (humanity) are a long way off from achieving a global, peaceful conciousness, my observation that the "fear barrier" is indeed cracking a little at a time all over the planet. Love your posts and your bravery in putting them out here. Keep up the good work and continue to embrace the hope we can make a better world for our children & grandchildren, my friend :) ~~Gma