Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Big Brother, Syria, and GMOs


So, what am I disturbed (pissed off?) about today? One vein of my ire began with a visit to my therapist. She sometimes indulges me in my subversive theories. Today, the conversation ended with RFID chips, pretty far out there in my opinion. Then I came home and checked my email.

I am not one to open most, obviously commercial come ons, in my email. However, this one advertised why credit cards would be outdated and discarded very soon (which caught my eye for this very reason), the companies behind it, and, of course, how to make a bundle off stocks if you bought some other product first. It was a Motley Fool email so I gave it some credence on the topic, which interested me. What I saw confirmed deep seated concerns as to where information management, in other words our sovereign persons, is headed.

My thought process upon seeing this headline was along the lines of 1984, a la Mr. Orwell. My therapist and I had just talked about how much more quickly events were conspiring to be consequences of late. Some thread of the conversation must have touched upon the themes in the book, how rapidly we have traversed the passage between fiction and reality perhaps, and I indulged my darker side, my “conspiracy theorist” side.

This is what I wrote my therapist after our meeting, after seeing this video:

The following is a very long advertisement for some motley fool product or another. However, the video is revealing, it speaks directly to what you and I were talking about re: chips / participating in the economy / 1984 / etc. Basically, it is an endorsement and outline of how information will be channeled in the very near future. Now, credit cards are one stream of information, bank accounts another, social media somewhere else, all of them moving toward a nexus via the internet. This explains very well how things will progress. Mind you, these are the people who want to profit from this technology, not the naysayers.

I have some strong disclaimers on this:
It is an ad. They are trying to sell you some guy’s opinion on this stock. There is quite a bit of meat re: technology and where the distillation of information is headed.

As to the video itself: It is an ad. There is no pause or fast forward. You have to listen to it in its' bloody entirety until they start schlepping for the miracle manager after the history / future of credit. Here's the link:


But there are far more immediate things to be concerned about. As per @OccupyArrests, 5214 have been arrested in the name of OWS. Syria has seen over 4,000 killings by gov’t since March, according to the UN. You do the math. We are lucky. We have, thus far, seen less than a 1:1 ratio of arrests:deaths. I must ask how long this will last.

I hold Syria in high esteem. They have suffered under months of violence. Only recently have they turned to the necessity of armed resistance. Even Sec. of State Clinton says the state needed to be “turned back on the track of the rule of law.” That, to me, says point blank that the Assad gov’t is operating outside the rule of law, the situation has passed the point of no return.

Snipers. Shelling 24/7. Regular reports of 50 dead per day. I pray we do not come to that. I will temper this optimism with the fact that multiple pundits have called for the murder of occupiers to end the current campaign. That, I am afraid to say, would only hurtle us faster toward the trajectory of North Africa, the Middle East, and now Europe.

On the home front, we have this:


Essentially, this is blowing the lid off the fact that Whole Foods is an outlet for the normal fodder of the regular grocery store chain, at inflated prices and inflated expectations of what consumers are paying for. In other words, any ole’ thang you want to pass as food is welcome there, at ridiculously inflated prices based on the consumer’s preconception that because it is at Whole Foods, it must be wholesome.

Guess again. They are patently endorsing GMOs. For those who don’t know, Genetically Modified Organisms are essentially organisms which have been patented through biological manipulation to make them unique to a corporation. This process is the monetization of life.

From here on, I will be brief, so do your own homework. If you don’t know the gist of the discussion, you will be lost.

Monsanto makes Round Up, the world’s most popular herbicide. They cut their teeth in the defoliant business making Agent Orange.

They are now the patent holders and producers of Round Up Ready seeds, which have a ridiculous amount of consequences: demolishing seed saving /sharing economies, contaminating seed stock, and producing herbicide resistant weeds. And, through Round Up ready crops, it can be sprayed on food crops.

The bottom line is Whole Foods and other “Organic” producers are tired of fighting, they are no longer looking back to the “source materials” as our college profs beat into our heads. By this, I mean that the cows may be “organic”, the milk may be “antibiotic free”, but the herds were grazed on Round Up Ready alfalfa. The suppliers don’t want responsibility for “checking their sources” and insuring that the entire food chain is sanctioned by a simple moniker, organic.

So, you may ask, what are the benefits of these Round Up Ready crops, which seem to multiply by the turn of the season? Essentially, one can spray Round Up on them, and have a weed free crop. But, you, the most inquisitive, may persist and ask what is the benefit? A weed free crop, they say. No greater productivity, drought or soil tolerance… But you can spray the hell out of them and have a crop worthy of a USDA cover shot.

I am struggling to contain my bile for other traits of these monster crops. I will beg of you to do your own research. If it’s any motivation, how has a corporation sustained a 300% growth in stock price over the last decade? They have to be doing something…right? Wrong? Look it up. You decide. Here are some keywords:

Suicide genes, suicide seeds, herbicide resistant weeds, seed saving and GMOs, Jesus, I could go on forever. Just research Round Up Ready Crops / GMOs. Please. Our food chain relies on our awareness.

Whoever controls the seeds, controls the lives of the people.

As an example, I give you this:


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